Ask-me-Anything 2.0


Hey guys,

everything good with you?! At the last Ask-me-Anything, a few questions didn't make it into the top 17 and I'm sure you have more questions you'd like to ask me?

So here we go: Ask me your questions and the 17 questions that are boosted the highest, I will answer again via video!

I am excited about your questions!

#thatstuff ✌🏿



What do we do with all these NFTs we got on this app?

What do we do with all these NFTs we got on this app?

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Fan-Move Contest

Wann wird der Fan-Move Contest ausgelost? Bzw von dir bewertet?

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Würde mich mal interessieren ob die Nfts irgendeinen Wert haben werden irgendwann ?

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Can we get DS17 beanies? Would be great for spring / fall / winter season.

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Pregame routine

What songs do you usually listen to before a game? (which songs hype you up the most)

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Investment - Kryptowährungen

Investment Tipps? Wo Investiert DS17 sein Geld? Ich würde auch gerne mal wissen, was du von Kryptowährung hältst?

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Gameday - Playlist

Wie sieht deine Gameday-Playlist aus? Hörst du immer die gleichen Songs oder gibt es Unterschiede?

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Geheime Spotify Songs

Für welchen Song in deiner Playlist schämst du dich? xD

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Welche Stadt gefällt dir am meisten in den USA und wieso? Eventuell hast du auch ein paar Tips, was man dort sehen sollte

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What would you say are the most confertable basketball shoes?

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