Let us help Chiara!


Hey guys! Today I would like to introduce Chiara Brunetti. She is a brave little premature baby who suffers from the rare disease Tibial Hemimelia. This is an extremely rare tibial malformation and statistically occurs in under 1 : 1,000,000 newborns. Tibial hemimelia is the congenital absence or underdevelopment of the tibia. Since there are unfortunately no specialists in Germany who are familiar with this disease, Chiara's only chance is a treatment in the USA. However, this is associated with high costs. Unfortunately, the cost coverage by the health insurance in Germany was rejected. They do not want to support Chiara because the intervention abroad is not "necessary", and this although nobody in Germany can offer an equivalent treatment and prospect. In total, the costs for the operations amount to about 350,000 euros.

Let's help the Brunetti family together! Besides the urgently needed donations (see links below), I would be happy if we as a community go one step further and generate more ideas with which we can support Chiara. Below are a few questions for inspiration:

  • How can we help without money?
  • How can we help through outreach?
  • How can such a fundraising campaign look like?
  • Who should we get on board to help?
  • What other ways are there to collect money together?

Finally, I would like to introduce Chiara personally in the following video.

Let's help the Brunetti family to help Chiara.

Thank you!




Instagram: @chiaras_special_life

Facebook: Chiaras Special Life




Work with a research and/or charity

As Tibial Hemimelia should be researched more - which is costly - it would be dope if you could work with a charity or research organization devoted to the cause. Maybe you could even get other NBA players on board. And I have no clue how approachable NBA Cares is, but maybe they also would be willing to help?!

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Community Interaction

There are many talented content creators out there. Maybe Dennis can give a call to action to the community to get creative (e.g. videos, infocharts, etc.) that raise awareness for Tibial Hemimelia. Then we could start a challenge that the content creator with most reach (most likes, most views, etc.) can win a meet & greet with Dennis or something like that. This would be cool in my opinion!

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How about an auction with some of your stuff? Signed jerseys, your That’s Tuff hoody or other personal stuff for example. Zusammen schaffen wir das!

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Vielleicht könntet ihr zusammen bei den Celtics was starten sodass auch die Leute in Boston spenden man könnte auf der offiziellen Celtics Insta Page zu spenden auftufen

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Yay! You have seen it all